Donate or Sponsor

Would You Like to Donate or Sponsor a Horse?
Please Call Midge Rananhan at 928.249.0247


  • Hay
  • Senior Equine Grain, Cubes
  • Tires
  • Corral Panels
  • Railroad Ties and Fencing
  • Medical Supplies
  • Batteries for the water hauler truck (#65) and for for the tractor (#58)
  • Fire extinguishers to hang near all different hay piles

Non-profit public charity tax receipt can be issued for cash donations and for donated value of the above needed items. Thank you for your help.

To Donate by Mail Please Send Your Donation to This Address:
Road Apple Acres
c/o Midge Ranahan
P.O.Box 1516
Dolan Springs, AZ 86441-1516

You can also call Double R Hay and Feed 928-565-5333. They hold donations for Road Apple Acres Horse Rescue so hay is paid for when needed.

Other ways you can help!

Does your FURBABY need GROOMED? Call our mobile grooming service and book your appointment today! 928 249 0247
100% of the fees go to our herd

Road Apple Acres has signed up to receive community rewards from Smith’s Food and Drug (Kroger Foods)! Visit register your card and select Road Apple Acres as your community rewards partner. With each purchase at Smith’s enter your community rewards phone number or card number and Road Apple Acres will receive a donation from your purchases! Do you use your phone number at the register? Call 1-800-576-4377, select option 3 to get your Smith’s rewards card number.

Thank you for your support!